
Lab 2

To print: File -> Print Preview

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%pylab inline
import networkx as nx

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib


Assign your name to a variable called "my_name".
Assign your student id to variable "stud_id".
Use variable "my_name" and "stud_id" to print your name and your student id using "print" function in the following format.

Your Name - Your Student ID

For example:
Ali bin Abu - 2013123456

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Import APGG, generate an undirected graph G using the "stud_id" variable defined in Q1 and draw it using APGG.draw() function.

Hint: Click on "Cell > Run All" if you get a warning message.

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List all vertices of graph G and their respective degree.

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List all edges along with its weight.

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Determine whether graph G is an Eulerian graph. (NetworkX Reference, pg. 256)

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Find the shortest path between any two non-adjacent vertices from graph G. (NetworkX Reference, pg. 326)

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What is the total weight for the path choses in Q6. (NetworkX Reference, pg. 328)

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Find a maximal cardinality matching in graph G. (NetworkX Reference, pg. 309)

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Find a minimum spanning tree of the undirected weighted graph G. (NetworkX Reference, pg. 315)

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Generate an undirected graph K using your friend's student id and check if K is isomorphic with G. (NetworkX Reference, pg. 285)

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Generate a network L using your student id using APGG.generate_flow() function and draw it.

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Find a maximum single-commodity flow for network L from 's' to 't'. (NetworkX Reference, pg. 259)

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flow_value, flow_dict =

Print flow_value

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Print flow_dict

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Compute the value and the node partition of a minimum (s, t)-cut. (NetworkX Reference, pg. 261)

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cut_value, cut_set =

Print cut_set

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Print cut_value

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The End